5 Fab Tips to Rescue Your Hair This Summer

5 Fab Tips to Rescue Your Hair This Summer

Summer is here, and while we’re all excited for some fun under the sun, our hair might not be as thrilled. While we’re all enjoying the sunny vibes, our hair might not be feeling the love. Ever wondered why our locks tend to dry out during this hot season? Here’s why…

  1. Sun’s Out, Hair’s Out: Just like how our skin can get sunburned, our hair can also suffer from sun damage. The intense UV rays zap the moisture out of our strands, leaving them dry, dull, and thirsty for hydration.
  2. Salty Vibes at the Beach: Who doesn’t love a day at the beach, right? But the salty sea water can wreak havoc on our hair. Salt is super dehydrating, and when it gets trapped in our hair, it can leave them feeling crunchy and parched.
  3. Sweat It Out: Summer heat means we’re sweating like crazy, and all that sweat can strip our hair of its natural oils, making it dry and brittle. Plus, if you’re hitting the gym or doing outdoor activities, the sweat can build up on your scalp, leading to itchiness and flakiness.
  4. Heat, Heat, Heat: Summer is all about those scorching temperatures, and that includes heat-styling tools like blow dryers, flat irons, and curling wands. Using these tools excessively can fry your hair, causing it to become dry and prone to breakage.
  5. Humidity, Oh My!: While humidity can be a lifesaver for our skin during dry seasons, it’s not exactly hair-friendly. High humidity levels can cause our hair to swell and frizz up like nobody’s business, especially if you have naturally curly or wavy hair.
Photo by: freepik

If you’re dealing with dry, brittle hair, don’t worry, I gotchu! Here are 5 super simple tips to keep your locks luscious all summer long:

  1. Hydrate Like a Boss: Just like how we need extra hydration during summer, our hair craves it too! Use a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner combo that’s like a refreshing buko juice for your strands. Look for products with ingredients like coconut oil, shea butter, or aloe vera to quench your hair’s thirst.
  2. Chill with the Heat: Babes, I get it, we all love rockin’ those beach waves or sleek straight hair, but let’s give our hair a break from the heat styling tools. Instead, opt for air-drying your mane or try out some heatless hairstyles like braids or buns. Your hair will thank you for the chill vibes!
  3. Treat Yo’ Strands: Treatments are your hair’s BFFs, especially during summer. Give your locks some extra TLC with a weekly hair mask or deep conditioning treatment. You can DIY with ingredients from your kitchen like honey, avocado, or yogurt. Pamper your hair like the queen it is!
  4. Sun Protection Squad: Sunscreen isn’t just for your skin, mga bes! Your hair needs protection from the scorching sun too. Rock a stylish hat or scarf to shield your hair from UV rays. And if you’re hitting the pool or beach, slather on a leave-in conditioner with SPF to keep your hair protected and fab.
  5. Stay Hydrated, Inside Out: Remember, hydration starts from within! Drink plenty of water to keep your body and hair hydrated from the inside out. Plus, munch on juicy fruits like watermelon, cucumber, and oranges to give your hair an extra boost of hydration. Cheers to happy, hydrated hair!
Photo by: freepik

Here are some local consumer brands available in the Philippines that offer excellent hair care products for combating dryness during summer:

  1. Human Nature: Human Nature is a Filipino brand known for its natural and cruelty-free products. They offer a range of hair care products made with nourishing ingredients like avocado oil, sunflower oil, and aloe vera to moisturize and hydrate dry hair.
  2. Zenutrients: Zenutrients offers a variety of hair care products infused with local ingredients such as virgin coconut oil, gugo bark, and aloe vera. Their products are designed to nourish and strengthen hair, making them ideal for addressing dryness and damage.
  3. Snoe Beauty: Snoe Beauty offers innovative hair care products formulated with unique ingredients like calamansi, honey, and papaya. Their products aim to hydrate, repair, and protect hair from environmental damage, perfect for summer hair care.
  4. Milea: Milea offers artisanal hair care products crafted from locally sourced ingredients like virgin coconut oil, calamansi extract, and honey. Their products are free from harsh chemicals and synthetic fragrances, making them suitable for sensitive and dry hair types.

So, there you have it, mga ka-haircare! With these 5 simple tips, you’ll be slayin’ summer with your luscious locks. Remember to have fun under the sun, but always show your hair some love. Stay fabulous, stay hydrated, and keep rockin’ those gorgeous tresses