‘Extraordinary Attorney Woo’ undeniably gained popularity and attention for its heartwarming plot and endearing characters. This Korean drama is by far the best of the year, full of fun and enchantment. Autism spectrum disorders education without becoming heavy.
The main character Woo Young-woo (Park Eun-bin), who has autism spectrum disorder, loves whales. Whenever she has difficulties, she tells her colleague Lee Joon-ho different stories about whales and relate it in her work or conversations. When she comes up with a big idea, the image of a big whale appears with a mysterious sound and swims over the sky, creating an amusement feeling to her. Doesn’t it brighten our days as well? Whenever Woo shares a whale fact or imagines one during stressful situations.

Despite its dangers, the sea is nonetheless stunning. They all coexist, including little fish as well as whales and sharks. Even though the species in this vast city-like environment are distinct from one another, they work together to provide a stunning landscape. Many of us believe whales are unique; they certainly inspire awe and a sense of belonging. Whales are unique, beautiful, graceful, and mysterious creatures that care for, bond with, play, sing, and coexist with one another. Woo Young-woo adores whales because of this.

Why are whales special? They live their whole lives in water and have a lot of amazing qualities. Although they couldn’t look more different than human beings, we have so much in common!
About Whale and dolphins

There are two types of whales and dolphins: baleen whales and toothed whales. The sperm whale, beaked whales, dolphins, porpoises, beluga whales, and narwhal are all toothed whales.
Water is home to whales, dolphins, and porpoises, but they are not fish. They are cetaceans, which are water-dwelling mammals. This group includes the world’s largest animals, blue whales, which can grow to be 29.9 meters (98 feet) long. The majority of cetaceans live in the ocean, but a few species live in freshwater or brackish water (water that is salty, but not as salty as the ocean).
Whales are quite unfamiliar and distant from other marine creatures. Because they lack gills, whales must frequently surface to breathe and exhale oxygen because they do not lay eggs but instead give birth to baby whales.
Despite their extraordinary qualities, they coexist peacefully with many other people. We need beautiful and “extraordinary” people like Atty Woo Young-woo in this world to coexist peacefully, just as we do in our society.