Protect your pets from the risks of changing weather

Protect your pets from the risks of changing weather

Manila, Philippines, 20 June 2024 – We’ve all experienced the discomfort of changing weather, shifting from hot to cold, which can challenge our immune system and catch us off guard with allergies, flu, and colds. But did you know that these weather changes also affect our pets? Pets can suffer from seasonal allergies, respiratory issues, and general discomfort due to sudden temperature shifts. It’s crucial to be mindful of their needs and ensure their well-being during these unpredictable weather patterns.

For pet parents who want to stay on top of their pet’s comfort and health in these conditions, here are some essential tips:

1. Ensure Climate-Appropriate Shelter Just like us, your pet needs a comfortable place to rest that suits the weather—warm and cozy during cold spells, and cool and shaded during hot days. Ensure that your pets are well-suited to thrive in tropical climates like the Philippines. Some breeds, such as pugs and chow-chows, are more prone to respiratory issues and heat strokes.

2. Keep Them Well-Fed and Hydrated Providing a nutritious diet that supports your pets’ immune system can help them stay healthy and resilient against weather-related illnesses. Hydration is equally important, especially during hot weather, to prevent dehydration and heat stroke.

3. Exercise Wisely Adjust exercise routines based on the weather—avoid intense activities during extreme heat or cold. A good rule of thumb is if it’s too hot for your feet, it’s too hot for their paws.

4. Stay on Top of Their Grooming Maintain regular grooming to keep their coat in good condition, which helps regulate their body temperature. Avoid shaving your pet’s coat too short in hot weather to prevent sunburn and other risks.

5. Be Vigilant for Signs of Health Problems Watch for signs of allergies, such as excessive scratching or sneezing, and consult your vet if these symptoms appear. In the Philippines, where it’s usually hot or hotter, even during the rainy season, it’s important to know the symptoms of overheating in pets, which include excessive panting, difficulty breathing, drooling, and increased heart and respiratory rates.

6. Consider Investing in Pet Insurance With constant weather and temperature changes, it’s essential to have financial protection for unexpected veterinary expenses. Regional insurtech Igloo, in partnership with Malayan Insurance and GCash, developed Pet Insure. This tailored non-life insurance product safeguards the health of dogs, regardless of breed, covering emergencies and accidents.

Pet Insure offers a comprehensive coverage package, including medical reimbursement for veterinary care up to P100,000, owner’s liability coverage up to P250,000, and personal accident cover for dog owners worth P50,000. This is available for as low as P650 for a one-month coverage period through the GCash GInsure marketplace.

As responsible pet parents, it’s essential to monitor any changes in your pets’ health and behavior, especially with weather changes. Being vigilant and prepared for emergencies can significantly impact keeping your furry friends healthy and happy year-round.

Learn more about Pet Insure by clicking this link.

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