Making a Unique Dish from Your Pantry

Making a Unique Dish from Your Pantry

Have you ever found yourself standing in front of your pantry, wondering how to make something special with what you have? For Filipino food lovers, this is a chance to mix familiar tastes in new ways. Today, we’re jumping into cooking fun with basic ingredients, adding a twist to make them tasty. Let’s explore together and see what delicious surprises we can cook up!

Step 1: List Your Pantry Ingredients

Take a moment to browse your pantry and pick out five ingredients that you have on hand. These could be staples in Filipino cuisine or items that are often used in your household. Here’s an example list to get you inspired:

  1. Canned Tuna
  2. Coconut Milk
  3. Garlic
  4. Soy Sauce
  5. Rice

With these ingredients, we’re going to create a delightful dish that’s both familiar and novel. Let’s call it “Tuna and Coconut Rice Bowl.”

Step 2: Making the Recipe

Tuna and Coconut Rice Bowl


  • 1 can of tuna (drained)
  • 1 cup of coconut milk
  • 4 cloves of garlic (minced)
  • 2 tablespoons of soy sauce
  • 2 cups of cooked rice

Additional Ingredients (optional but recommended):

  • 1 small onion (chopped)
  • 1 tablespoon of ginger (minced)
  • 1 bell pepper (sliced)
  • 1 teaspoon of chili flakes (for some heat)
  • Fresh cilantro or green onions (for garnish)
  • Lime wedges (for serving)


  1. Prepare the Aromatics:
    • Heat a pan over medium heat and add a bit of oil.
    • Sauté the minced garlic (and optional onion and ginger) until fragrant and golden brown.
  2. Cook the Tuna:
    • Add the drained tuna to the pan, breaking it apart with a spoon.
    • Stir in the soy sauce and cook for about 2-3 minutes until the tuna is well-coated and slightly crispy.
  3. Incorporate Coconut Milk:
    • Pour in the coconut milk and bring to a gentle simmer.
    • If you add bell pepper or chili flakes, this is the time to do it.
    • Let the mixture simmer for about 5-7 minutes until the sauce thickens slightly and the flavors meld together.
  4. Prepare the Rice:
    • While the tuna and coconut milk mixture is simmering, reheat your cooked rice or cook a fresh batch if you haven’t already.
  5. Prepare the Bowl:
    • In a serving bowl, place a generous amount of rice.
    • Spoon the tuna and coconut milk mixture over the rice.
    • Garnish with fresh cilantro or green onions and a squeeze of lime for added freshness and zest.
  6. Serve and Enjoy:
    • Enjoy your Tuna and Coconut Rice Bowl while it’s warm, savoring the rich blend of flavors that celebrate both creativity and tradition.

Preparing a new recipe using pantry staples is a fantastic way to rediscover the joy of cooking. This Tuna and Coconut Rice Bowl is a testament to the versatility of simple ingredients and the endless possibilities they offer. Whether you’re cooking for yourself or your loved ones, this dish is sure to impress with its rich flavors and comforting essence. Happy cooking, and enjoy your culinary adventure!
