India: Quest To The Last of the 7 wonders of the new world!

India: Quest To The Last of the 7 wonders of the new world!

By : Winnie Sianda ( follow her on IG @_qshandy)

So I just went to India and learned a few fun and not so fun facts. Some of you may already know it but indulge this Tita who’s still high from the truly incredible place that is India! I may have borrowed some words from our guides.

Fun and Not so Fun Facts

  • One in every seven individuals in the world is Indian.
Peepal Tree
  • They have trees (Peepal) which emit oxygen round the clock vs the rest which only do so during the day.
  • Cows are king even on the road so if you can drive in India, you can drive anywhere! Forget Manila, olats tayo!
Photo by: barbbytes
  • They have good local wine! Fun right?!
  • They charge 25% VAT for alcoholic beverage. NOT fun!
  • E cigarettes, vapes and the like are banned and punishable by law if they catch you using. This was implemented in Oct 2021 & we only found out in the airport
  • Don’t get irritated when drivers honk their horns like there’s no tomorrow. It’s not personal; it’s just how they express road courtesy.
  • If you lose your wallet or get in trouble, look for a Sikh temple. They will feed you & take care of you.
Sikh Temple
  • They have the biggest stone sundial in the world
  • They have beautiful step wells made for storing water
  • They have 40 UNESCO world heritage sites, top 6 in the world and we have seen 8 of them in this trip!

So I just went to India and learned a few fun and not so fun facts. Some of you may already know it but indulge this Tita who’s still high from the truly incredible place that is India! I may have borrowed some words from our guides