Oxytocin: Why Your “Cuddle Hormones” Matters

Oxytocin: Why Your “Cuddle Hormones” Matters

Who hasn’t experienced that wonderful feeling of relief after getting a big hug from a loved one at the end of a long day? What about that incredible feeling you have when you’re getting to know a new person and there might be a chance for a new relationship? You can attribute it to chemistry, specifically a concoction of naturally occurring hormones, particularly oxytocin, that elevates our mood. In 1906, oxytocin was discovered to hasten and ease labor as well as the release of breast milk. Oxytocin is a hormone that plays a role in many social bonds, including “friendships” and attachment between parents and children.

Here are eight science-based benefits of oxytocin: 

It makes childbirth easier. Oxytocin helps the cervix stretch and stimulates uterine contractions, which can lead to a shorter labor and delivery time. Additionally, oxytocin has been shown to promote bonding between mothers and their newborns as well as increase feelings of trust and empathy in social interactions. It may also have potential therapeutic benefits for conditions such as anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder. 

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It resists Cortisol’s effects. Cortisol is a stress hormone that can have negative effects on our health and well-being. Oxytocin has been shown to counteract the effects of cortisol, helping to reduce stress and anxiety. Additionally, oxytocin can improve social bonding and trust, leading to stronger relationships and better communication. It is the hormone that is released by the body under stressful circumstances and puts the body in a constant hyper-alert state. Excess cortisol results in disrupted body processes, causing heart problems, depression, and obesity. Oxytocin has the opposite effect. In fact, it is also known as the anti-stress hormone, which counters the effects of cortisol.

It works like a love potion. Oxytocin helps increase feelings of love and attachment. It was also found to increase sexual arousal. This hormone is released during physical touch, such as hugging or holding hands, and can contribute to the formation of long-term relationships. However, it is important to note that oxytocin alone cannot sustain a healthy relationship and should be accompanied by communication and mutual respect. 

photography of couple sitting on bench
Photo by Drew Rae on Pexels.com

It helps you read and understand people better. Individual distances can be influenced by a variety of factors, including cultural norms and personal preferences. However, the findings suggest that oxytocin may play a role in regulating social behavior and interpersonal relationships. A 2006 study at New York’s Mount Sinai School of Medicine found that autistic volunteers who were administered oxytocin and then required to listen to someone speak were better able to identify the emotion behind the voice. Higher oxytocin levels make you more empathetic and attuned to how other people are feeling. This could have significant implications for individuals with autism who struggle with social communication and understanding emotions. Research has shown that individuals with autism often have lower levels of oxytocin, which may contribute to their difficulties in social interactions. Therefore, increasing oxytocin levels through medication or therapy could potentially improve their ability to understand and respond to others’ emotions. Higher oxytocin levels make you more empathetic and attuned to how other people are feeling. This could have significant implications for individuals with autism who struggle with social communication and understanding emotions.

It advocates for monogamy. In a German study, oxytocin was given nasally to a group of straight male participants who were placed in a room with an attractive woman. Those who were in a stable relationship were observed to have stayed at least 28 inches away from the woman, whereas single men stayed 20 to 24 inches away from her. This suggests that oxytocin may play a role in regulating social behavior and maintaining fidelity in romantic relationships. However, further research is needed to fully understand the effects of oxytocin on human behavior. 

It strengthens the bond between parent and child. Oxytocin helps increase the bond between mother and child, which may be because women produce a significant amount of the hormone during birth and breastfeeding. Additionally, fathers’ bonds with their kids also get a boost. According to a study conducted by psychologist Ruth Feldman at Bar-Ilan University in Israel, men’s oxytocin levels match those of women during birth and breastfeeding. This boost is caused by the physical contact and emotional connection that fathers experience during these moments. Additionally, higher levels of oxytocin in fathers have been linked to increased paternal caregiving behaviors and stronger bonds with their children in the long term. 

It can speed up wound healing and reduce inflammation in the body, making it an important hormone for overall physical health. Additionally, oxytocin has been linked to improved cognitive function and may play a role in reducing anxiety and depression. However, more research is needed to fully understand the effects of oxytocin on the body and mind. A 2010 study was conducted in which small blister wounds were created on participants’ forearms. Those with high levels of oxytocin were observed to have wounds that healed more quickly.

Pet and owner bonding. Numerous studies have shown that when people and pet interact positively (like by cuddling), both parties experience an increase in oxytocin, a hormone that has been linked to joyful emotional states. This surge in oxytocin can lead to reduced stress levels and improved overall well-being for both dogs and human. Additionally, regular positive interactions with a dog can help improve social skills and reduce feelings of loneliness or isolation. 

Oxytocin may be the easiest hormone to obtain because there are so many ways to increase its levels in the body. For example, physical touch, such as hugging or holding hands, has been shown to increase oxytocin levels. Additionally, engaging in activities that promote relaxation and reduce stress, such as meditation or yoga, may also boost oxytocin levels. Other ways to increase oxytocin levels include spending time with loved ones, expressing gratitude, and engaging in acts of kindness. These simple practices can have a significant impact on our overall well-being and strengthen our social connections. The best part is that you can do them on a daily basis.