Education Meets Tech: Shaping the Future of Learning with HyFlex Model 

Education Meets Tech: Shaping the Future of Learning with HyFlex Model 

Quipper shares how educational institutions can support HyFlex learning with a reliable and innovative LMS platform. 

 Education in the Philippines changed its course recently due to different factors. The change—while faced with a few challenges—gave institutions opportunities to rethink their approach to teaching, paving the way for new technologies and innovations.   

Given this scenario, the Philippine educational sector experienced a massive paradigm shift that integrated technology into learning, creating new modalities. Online learning was adopted by schools where synchronous and asynchronous classes were conducted. While both use online platforms, the former uses chat and video calls (like a virtual classroom), whereas the latter is independent and self-paced learning by answering modules and assignments sent via email, LMS, or forums.  

These new modalities are expected to remain and be integrated into traditional face-to-face classes now that the schools have reopened. This is now known as HyFlex, also known as Hybrid-Flexible, a new learning model that combines face-to-face (F2F) and online learning. Each class session is available in person, synchronously online through a video conferencing tool, and asynchronously online for students who cannot attend on a synchronous session on a given day.  

Some educational institutions have already adopted the technologies and facilities and trained educators for this kind of schooling. It also provides students with more options to attend and participate in classes.  

Relevance of HyFlex on today’s education. The main benefit of this model is that it gives learners expanded options to attend a class. On the other hand, it allows students inside the four walls of a classroom to experience interactive learning using the best available technologies. 

Educators can also integrate asynchronous modality with HyFlex by allowing students who cannot take part in online and face-to-face classes to access the recorded lecture anytime.

This model is an incredible development in the educational sector as it helps teachers to cater to different types of students and meet their needs. Aside from that, HyFlex also enables students to be familiarized with technology to continue honing their digital skills before graduating and entering the workforce.  

Implementing HyFlex learning in classrooms. To make HyFlex learning possible, it first needs full support from the administration and the students. Once teachers and students can apply this model to their learning, they must prepare different tools to support it.  

Institutions need tools to support HyFlex because it combines synchronous and asynchronous online experiences to achieve specific learning goals. Tools like projectors, TV screens, laptops, and open line communication platforms are needed to make this model work because learners need to participate both online and in-person activities. 

For teachers, an essential tool is having a stable internet connection inside the classroom. Aside from that, they should have a reliable video conferencing application accessible for students joining remotely. The key to effective HyFlex learning is to have an interactive lecture where teachers can use engaging presentations for students inside and outside the classroom.  

For learners attending the face-to-face setup, it would help to have their gadgets in class. It can be a tablet, phone, or laptop, so they can access the lecture notes with their hands. To level things up, the educator can create a virtual quiz where students in face-to-face setup and at home can take the quiz together and make learning more fun.  

On the other hand, students who join remotely should also be ready with a device they can use in class. Most of the time, the teacher will ask the learners to participate in a breakout room, so they must be prepared to engage remotely. 

However, how can educational institutions help ensure a seamless experience for educators and students in a HyFlex model?  

The role of a reliable and innovative LMS is to enable HyFlex learning. For teachers and students to make this model work, they need a reliable and innovative Learning Management System (LMS) platform that is accessible, user-friendly, and can cater to all learners. Without an LMS, there is no place for the two modalities (face-to-face and online) to “meet” and interact with one another. The good thing is that Quipper has an easy-to-use platform with comprehensive features to enable HyFlex learning and make the lives of students and teachers easier, empowering the future of education.  

Using this platform, teachers can make the learners attend virtual classes through the Q-Link platform without having them create accounts on video conferencing applications. Aside from that, Q-Learn has a feature where the students can locate and join these Live Class sessions directly on the platform as an embedded window or switch to a video conferencing app. 

Quipper also provides different engaging presentations from ready-made lesson slides, which educators can project inside the classroom and in a virtual class. Additionally, detailed study guides and teachers’ content with various exercises and easy-to-follow guidelines are available within the platform for educators and students in a HyFlex class. 

Educators can also have automated checking of exams and assignments with detailed analysis. They can also send assignments in advance and set the duration and deadline so teachers can have more time for other classroom activities. On the other hand, students can simultaneously answer assessments using the Quipper Learn, even in a face-to-face or virtual setup. At the same time, teachers can check the progress of each learner in real-time.  

Indeed, Quipper always brings innovative technologies to help teachers deliver the best possible education for students!  

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