Choose a workout that is appropriate for your body type.

Choose a workout that is appropriate for your body type.

Every blood type has certain foods that they should or should not eat. Some people are not in favor of diets or “designer” diets, but many people have success with them. They may look good physically, but they don’t always work in the long run. In the same way that genetic traits have different diets, there are also different workouts for different body types. Ectomorphs, mesomorphs, and endomorphs are three different body types. Before we get into the specifics of these exercises, let’s talk about each one.

ECTOMORPHS are mostly thin and long, with very little fat tissue, small joints, and thin frames. They are called “hard gainers,” which we also call “the lucky ones,” because they have a hard time getting bigger. This is because they have a very quick metabolism. For guys who want to build muscle, it’s more difficult to gain muscle and weight in general. Nutrition will play a big role. Ectomorphs are also thought to be the weakest body types.


MESOMORPHS are people who like to work out. It’s easy for them to gain weight or lose weight and build muscle. They have the best chance of gaining muscle, which makes them very strong. Those body types are dubbed “super responders,” which is what they do. They are a trainer’s dream come true because their job is more than half done. These body types have a better chance of getting fat than ectomorphs, but not as good a chance as endomorphs.

Endomorphs have a lot easier time gaining weight, but it’s mostly fat. They have thick arms and legs, and slow metabolism. If Endos do get muscles, they won’t be as well-defined as those of the Ectos and the Mesomorphs, but they will still be able to move. They are usually said to be “soft.”


These body types aren’t set in stone. A lot of people have two body types, but one is more noticeable than the other. A lot of online tests can be used to figure out your body type, but these tests can be unreliable. Somatotyping is a sure way to figure out what kind of body you have, so try it. It is called anthropometry, or body measurement analysis, and each body type is graded on a scale. A lot of labs in the area do this. Ask around at your doctor’s office or hospital. If you are an endomorph, don’t forget that doesn’t mean you have to live a fat-filled life. There are a lot of endomorphs who work hard to get bodies that are like those of mesomorphs. Don’t get your hopes too high. In the end, you will never be as thin as an ectomorph. These types give you a general idea of your genetic abilities. If all three body types work out, train, and eat the same way, they’ll likely get different results. It’s very, very, very hard for these three to reach their genetic potential. Mesomorphs will always look more athletic than endomorphs, and ectomorphs will always be the thinnest.

Is there a workout that’s best for certain body types? It’s more about what they want to achieve and how realistic these goals are for their body type. 

Is it possible for you to be a thinner endomorph? Yes, but it will take more work than if you were an ectomorph. In terms of specific exercises, I won’t stop an endomorph from doing push-ups and then let a mesomorph do them because they will get more out of it than the endomorph. That’s just not true. It doesn’t matter what your body type is. Some exercises are more difficult for people with certain body types than for people with other body types. They will do better with heavy compound lifts because they are the strongest. They will have a hard time doing bodyweight exercises like pull-ups, but ectomorphs will have a lot easier time because they are more likely to be lightweight. Some trainers say that the best way to get the body you want is to eat right and exercise. What you can do is work hard in the gym, be careful about what you eat, and be happy with what God has given you.
