Skin Savers

Skin Savers

Support Your 30’s and Beyond Look

Great skin is not simply a matter of washing your face and leaving life to the fullest. The skin has been a reflection in general of your inner-health status and aging.  Wake UP! You’re not getting any younger. And in a few months, you’ll your skin becomes thinner and loses fat, making it less plump and smooth. You’re gonna end up counting those precious aging lines if you do not take good care of that part of your body where aging is most evident, your skin. 

Here are some tips to save your skin from looking young and ageless


It speeds up your skin’s aging and boosts your chances of having premature wrinkles. Smokers have fewer elastin and collagen fibers in the skin compared to those who don’t smoke.

 The repetitive facial expressions you make when smoking when inhaling and squinting your eyes to keep out smoke may contribute to wrinkles. It can cause deeper wrinkles on the face, particularly between the eyebrows, around the eyes, and the mouth and lips. If you’re looking for a reason to quit smoking, add premature wrinkles to the list.

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 Go for a brisk 30-minute walk every morning and after some time, you will get to see your skin glow naturally. Aside from

the soft natural flush, it can rid your body of toxins through sweat, which is good for your skin. It stimulates the blood flow to your skin, giving your face more color and vibrancy and the rest of your body as well.

Photo by Maksim Goncharenok on


Too much friction can damage your skin. After bathing, resist the urge to rub off excess water with a towel. Instead, gently pat your skin dry so that a teeny amount of moisture is still left.  Avoid rubbing the eye area it can cause skin irritation, so it may look red or swollen. The skin there will thicken sort of like a callous that leads to wrinkling.


No one’s too oily for a moisturizer. Save your skin from dryness and flaking tantrums in the future by religiously following the cleanse-tone-and-moisturize regimen.



UV light breaks down the collagen and elastin fibers in the skin as this layer breaks down, the skin becomes weaker and less flexible. Remember that rays are still as harmful as when it is shining, put some sunscreen before going outdoors and even when you’re indoors. People who work in sunlight should wear clothes that cover the skin, such as hats or long sleeves, which may delay the development of wrinkles.


Research suggests vitamin C from foods can help regenerate skin cells, reduce wrinkles and fight against ultraviolet aging of your skin when exposed to sunlight. There are easy choices available in the market like oranges, which contain 53 mg of vitamin C per 100 grams. Choose food that is rich in antioxidants and vitamins, try red bell pepper as it is one of the antioxidants known to prevent damaging cells in the body and the skin’s best choice when it comes to anti-aging. 
