The Poor Pre-Sleep Practices of Women

The Poor Pre-Sleep Practices of Women

Sleep is one of the most important parts of your life. It is the time when you recharge your body and your mind. It’s possible that not getting enough sleep is making your condition worse. Are you guilty of any of these terrible habits when it comes to sleeping?

Going to bed with your make-up on

Photo: Getty Images/Slavica

The removal of makeup is an important step that many women skip before going to bed, whether it’s because of stress or laziness. Dermatologists believe that sleeping in your makeup leaves you vulnerable to the free radicals that are present in the surrounding environment and that the makeup clings to. These free radicals are responsible for the breakdown of robust collagen, which leads to the formation of fine lines on the skin. This is in addition to the fact that makeup can clog pores while you sleep, which can ultimately lead to the development of acne. Many people continue to go to bed with their makeup on even though there are no products available on the market that make it simple to remove makeup and clean the face.


It is more comfortable to sleep with one’s hair pulled back into a ponytail or bun rather than letting it fall freely on one’s pillow. There is no evidence that sleeping with a ponytail, even if it is loosely tied, has any negative consequences. Friction and damage to the cuticle layer of the hair are the primary causes of hair breakage caused by hair accessories such as rubber bands and hairpins. If your hair is pulled tightly for an excessive amount of time while you sleep, you run the risk of developing tension alopecia, which can lead to hair loss as well as an unsightly bend in your hair.


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For women, particularly those who work irregular hours, falling asleep and staying asleep can be a challenge. To induce sleep, it is not uncommon for women to take sleeping pills or drink alcoholic beverages like red wine, brandy, or vodka. According to the findings of various studies, certain sleeping pills can cause potentially harmful side effects, including parasomnia. Sleepwalking, night terrors, sleep sex, and even sleep-driving are all examples of the sleep disorder known as parasomnia. Parasomnia is characterized by the inability to consciously control behaviors and actions that take place during sleep. In addition, the use of sleeping pills and alcohol to induce sleep is associated with an increased risk of developing a tolerance to the medication and dependence on alcohol. As a result, the idea of trying to fall asleep without resorting to these methods will cause women to feel more unsettled. The combination of the two is not only dangerous but also potentially fatal. On the packaging of sleeping pills, it says not to combine the medication with alcohol.


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When it comes to their animal companions, women simply can’t say no. It is possible to pass infectious diseases to your beloved dog or cat while sleeping with them if you share a bed with them, kiss them, or lick them. If you sleep with your pets in the same bed as you, there is an increased risk of contracting life-threatening infections such as the bubonic plague, internal parasites, and other serious diseases. An infection caused by the bacteria Bartonella Henselae, which originates from infected fleas and flea feces, can be triggered by something as innocuous as a cat scratch. The infectious agent can lead to lymph node enlargement as well as serious damage to the liver, kidney, and spleen, which can sometimes be fatal.


It is not recommended for women to sleep in a fetal position unless they are currently carrying a child. Additionally, the majority of women sleep in this position more frequently than any other. If you sleep with your chin tucked into your chest and your knees pulled up to your chest, you run the risk of developing back or joint pain. If you consistently sleep in this position, you will almost certainly develop premature facial wrinkles and sagging breasts. There are many different things that women can do to encourage comfortable and healthy sleep for themselves, such as maintaining a healthy biological sleeping clock, reserving the bed solely for sleeping and sexual activity, playing soft music in the bedroom, and engaging in physical activity at least four hours before going to bed. The time to start thinking about these options is right now before it’s too late and you have to face the terrible consequences.