5 Annoying Travel Buddies

5 Annoying Travel Buddies

By: Rach Marie Garcia

“You may pack for any event, but the best thing you can bring is a good buddy!”

One of the nicest aspects of traveling with friends is the stronger bond that develops as a result of the experience- while some connections grow on the road. Traveling with friends is one of the finest ways to bond and gel since you spend so much time together. Wait a minute, some travel companions are a nightmare and disrupt what might be amazing times. Consider the know-it-all who knows everything and won’t stop chattering, as well as the person who takes every second necessary pose shot. These are the types of individuals you’d want to avoid – but what if you’re stuck with them the entire trip?

Here are five travel buddies you can’t escape and how to handle them, whether you’re driving around town or traveling to another nation.

Photo by Mary Locuaz

1. The Latecomer

 A “Tidsoptimist” is someone who is constantly late because they believe they have more time than they actually do.

Having a late-comer around is like running around the airport in a mad dash, praying that the plane’s doors don’t close on you. “Calling for Mr. Perez, please board the plane now,” the latecomer may frequently be heard over the plane’s speakers. At least three times.

What to do: Stop coddling the latecomer and start being tough. Tell him that if he doesn’t arrive on time the next time, you’ll depart without him. Continue your journey without him if he arrives late again. This will teach him a valuable lesson he will never forget.

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2. The Good and the Bad News About The Over Packer

The bad news is that the quantity of luggage he brings on his vacation means you’d be hauling around three massive and gigantic items. The good news is that if you need an extra winter sweater, for example, you’re Over Packer friend may have one.

What to do: Leave it alone. There’s nothing wrong with taking an Over Packer on a vacation with you, except to remind him to bring extra cash in case things don’t go as planned at the baggage claim. Of course, as long as the Over Packer is paying the additional costs, it doesn’t matter.

3. The Selfish Traveler: A “me”-first mentality.

He is the sort that constantly wants to be followed, whether he wants to slumber while you take a tour of the city or he wants to eat while you go out with your newfound friends.

You’re probably doing it because you don’t want him to feel excluded, but in the end, you’re both being burnt.

What to do: When the necessity for high-stress journeys arises, avoid unskilled passengers who are prone to being selfish.

4. From A to Z: The Over Planner

When the Over Planner joins you on your next trip, he has everything perfectly prepared — from the time you wake up until the wee hours of the morning. There’s nothing wrong with it, except you want to take things unplanned or on the spur of the moment, which will be a problem. You want to unwind, but the Over Planner has a to-do list.

What to do: When traveling with the Over Planner, make it a point to remind him again and over that you can’t wait to relax, have fun, and be spontaneous with what you do. If it doesn’t work, toss his guidebook.

5. The Lazy Bum: When vacation means nothing but rest and leisure.

Bummer, it’s all about sleeping all day for this sort of tourist, who prefers to sleep on his sides 24 hours a day, seven days a week, even ordering breakfast, lunch, or supper while in bed.

What to do: There’s nothing you can do about the Lazy Bum except remind him not to be lazy or you’ll leave him behind on your next trip. Tell him that the entire globe is ready for adventure and

If he continues to snore and does not answer, forget about him. You must complete your trip on your own.

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